Friday, July 25, 2008

Need a break?

This is what "wee P" has been up to this week....

and he's just taken off to a wedding in the Bahamas for the weekend. Why not!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Foodie heaven

There is something about shopping at a Mediterranean market that defies explanation, and the Mercado Olivar in Palma , Mallorca is no exception...

Jamon Iberico, reputedly the best cured pork in the world, comes from the Spanish black pig, the only breed of pig that naturally seeks and eats mainly acorns. The hams are cured for up to 36 months and are one the delicacies of the region, with a price to match!
And of course, Mediterranean seafood speaks for itself. These lovely fresh prawns @ €60/kg regularly end up on the BBQ.Fresh sardines or anchovies anyone?
Are you hungry yet?

Parking at the private jet terminal in Palma was at a premium early July, and they have over 50 parks!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Braemar Lodge

Braemar Lodge is due to re-open this month and it looks like this.....

it really is history, isn't it?


Corporate preparations are well under way for the Farnborough airshow next week...