Monday, October 27, 2008

Smell the...........?

There is an old golfing cliche that says in order to get the best out of your game you should take time to "smell the grass"!

Our good friend Roger Goodfellow has recently accepted a position of teaching professional at the Vigne del Barolo Golf Course in Northern Italy, which he starts March next year. He sent us this image recently of the newly opened front nine.

I don't know about smelling the grass, but I can almost smell the Nebbiolo and truffles just looking at the picture. We hope it is not too long before we have the opportunity of a tee time. What do you think wee P?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wee P is 30!!.....

and his mother wanted to be in New York to help celebrate!

Aunty Maria from Milwaukee was the "mystery guest" for the weekend.

We had plenty of time to hunt for mushrooms on the Sheep Meadow in Central Park.

And a free "session" is never far away, - reminded us of "Home"!

Then it was off to the Met to see Don Giovani

before a family get together "over the tea cups"! Anyone who has been to the Lower East side Toy Co (P's closest nightclub - 5m from his door) will understand!

There are some "morning after" images, but the birthday boy insisted that they are "not allowed" to be published.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Downside up?

Even with a drop in personal finances, you've still gotta love the nightlife.....

and everything else "New York"!